23 research outputs found

    Co-construction and Deconstruction of Poverty on Serbian News Websites

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    Users’ comments posted on the news websites of traditional media organisations still pertain to asymmetric relations between producers of mainstream news and interactive audiences. Yet, when structurally positioned on a website interface to immediately follow the news, users’ comments are user-generated content most directly linked to journalists’ stories and they constitute discursive space in which mass media representations of the world are legitimised, negotiated and contested. The aim of this study is to examine these relations between mainstream news discourses and the discourses of users’ comments about the specific societal issue – poverty. By adopting methods of critical discourse analysis performed on 121 news stories about poverty and corresponding users’ comments posted on the two most popular news websites in Serbia B92.net and Blic.rs, the article reveals how the two media construct poverty and social exclusion, and how users in the comments contest these discursive constructions. The results show that there is a significant level of contestation and that the most contested aspects of news stories are boundaries of poverty, legitimacy of sources and attribution of responsibility

    Framing Protest in Online News and Readers’ Comments: The Case of Serbian Protest “Against Dictatorship”

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    This research examines the “protest paradigm” in the digital news environment of a politically polarized media system by considering relations between news and online readers’ comments about the Serbian protest Against Dictatorship, which was held in 2017. Applying content analysis to news and comments from two news websites, our study indicates the need to account for opposing framing of the protest (violence/peacefulness, de/legitimizing and un/democratic) in a polarized environment. The results show that the distribution of opposing frames is guided by the media relations with the government. Online readers’ comments generally enhance this polarized pattern of frame distribution, with the exception of the performance frame, which remains prolific in the media, but absent from readers’ comments.publishedVersio

    Semiotic deconstruction of expressive possibilities in virtual communication

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    Predmet istraživanja u ovom radu su ekspresivne mogućnosti virtuelnog komuniciranja koje se ostvaruje posredstvom umreženih kompjutera. Pod ekspresivnim mogućnostima podrazumevaju se simbolski i semiotički sistemi kojima se stvaraju, a potom i interpretiraju poruke. U radu se polazi od toga da su ove mogućnosti, kao i ograničenja, uslovljene medijima kao specifičnim tehničko-tehnološkim „aparatima“. U širem teorijskom opredeljenju rad je zasnovan na dva pristupa. Prvi je medijacentrični pristup, koji strukturu medija postavlja u centar razmatranja. Drugi je kritički pristup društvu i medijima, iz kojeg je preuzeto kritičko promišljanje recepcije. Teorijsko-metodološku spojnicu između ovih pristupa čine dva semiotička pravca: socijalna semiotika i kompjuterska semiotika. Prvi cilj disertacije bio je da se, polazeći od strukture medija, raščlane, analiziraju i sistematizuju ekspresivne mogućnosti u kompjuterski posredovanom komuniciranju, i konkretno u veb-komuniciranju. U odnosu na recepcijski pol komuniciranja, drugi cilj rada bio je da se utvrde načini na koje se subjektivitet korisnika konstruiše softverskim režimima i vizuelnom gramatikom interfejsa U radu je predložen model za razumevanje ekspresivnih mogućnosti u virtuelnom komuniciranju koji čine tri nivoa artikulacije: nivo softvera, nivo interfejsa i nivo multimodalnih sadržaja. Nivo softvera je određen tehničkim kodovima, nivo multimodalnih sadržaja nastaje na osnovu kulturnih kodova, dok se na nivou interfejsa prepliću tehnički i kulturni kodovi. Interfejs je posrednički sloj jer njegova artikulacija zavisi od softverskih specifikacija, a sa druge strane, vizuelna gramatika interfejsa utiče na nivo multimodalnih sadržaja. Multimodalni sadržaji su poruke koje su oblikovane ustaljenim društvenim kodovima „preuzetim“ iz prethodnih medija. Ipak, u prelasku iz jednog medija u drugi, sadržaji bivaju promenjeni, a ove promene zavise od softvera u kojem će multimodalni sadržaji biti stvoreni, softverske strukture kojom će biti distribuirani i od interfejsa u kojem će biti prikazani. Kako bi se ekspresivne mogućnosti novog medija povezale sa komunikacionom praksom i društvenim delovanjem, u radu je upotrebljen pojam žanra. U radu se polazi od psiho-socijalnog razumevanja žanra koje omogućava da se objasni prisustvo ekspresivnih mogućnosti prethodnih medija u novom. Takođe, žanr se koristi kao koncept kojim se povezuju stvaranje, recepcija i upotreba veb-sajtova. Kako bi se ispitala analitička i eksplanatorna vrednost predloženog modela, koji čine tri nivoa artikulacije, urađene su tri studije slučaja. Za analizu su odabrani vebsajtovi Blic onlajn (www.blic.rs), Jutjub (www.youtube.com) i Vikipedija (www.wikipedia.org). Osnovna hipoteza od koje se pošlo u analizi je da su razlike u realizaciji ekspresivnih mogućnosti u analiziranim veb-sajtovima uslovljene softverom, sa jedne strane, i žanrovski određenim razumevanjem korisnika i upotrebe veb-sajtova, sa druge strane. U sva tri „slučaja“ primenjen je identičan analitički postupak. Analizom je ustanovljeno da se ključna razlika između Blica onlajn, Jutjuba i Vikipedije pojavljuje u softverima za obradu radnji koje izvode korisnici, kao i u predstavljanju rezultata obrađenih podataka. Prethodni uspostavljeni žanrovi, u vidu žanrovskih fragmenata, uticali su na izgled tri analizirana veb-interfejsa, ali „žanrovsko nasleđe“ različito je manifestovano u njihovom dizajnu i ima različitu ulogu u funkcionisanju interfejsa. Utvrđeno je da rad softvera i vizuelna dizajnerska rešenja analiziranih veb-interfejsa projektuju „uzorne“ korisnike i višestruke pozicije iz kojih korisnici mogu da interpretiraju veb-interfejs i delujuThe subject of research in this dissertation are expressive possibilities in virtual communication achieved through networked computers. Expressive possibilities include symbolic and semiotic systems used for creating and interpreting messages. The starting premise of dissertation is that these possibilities, as well as limitations, are determined by the media as specific technical-technological "apparatuses". In a broader theoretical orientation the dissertation is based on two approaches. The first is media-centric approach that places media structure in the center of academic consideration. The second is critical approach to society and the media, and its critical understanding of reception is used in the dissertation. Theoretical and methodological coupling between these approaches is made through two semiotic strands: social semiotics and computer semiotics. The first aim of this dissertation was to analyze and systematize the expressive possibilities in computer-mediated communication, specifically in web communication. In relation to reception side of communication, the second objective was to identify the ways in which subjectivity of users is constructed by software regimes and visual grammar of interface. The model for understanding the expressive possibilities in virtual communication is proposed. It consists of three levels of articulation: the level of software, level of interface and level multimodal messages. The level of software is determined by technical codes, the level of multimodal messages is generated on the basis of cultural codes, while at the interface level technical and cultural codes are intertwined. Interface is an intermediary layer because its articulation depends on software specifications, and on the other side, visual grammar of interface affects the level of multimodal messages. Multimodal messages are shaped through established social codes "taken" from the previous media. However, in the transition from one medium to another, messages are changed and these changes depend on software in which they are created, software structure used for their distribution and the interface in which they are displayed. The concept of genre was used in order to link expressive possibilities of the new media with communication practice and social action. Psycho-social understanding of the genre is employed to explain the presence of the expressive possibilities of the "older media" in the new medium. Further, genre is used as a concept that links creation, reception and use of websites. To test the analytical and explanatory value of the proposed model, which consists of three levels of articulation, three case studies are conducted. The websites selected for the analysis are Blic Online (www.blic.rs), YouTube (www.youtube.com) and Wikipedia (www.wikipedia.org). The main hypothesis was that differences in the realization of the expressive possibilities of the analyzed web sites are determined, on the one hand, by the software, and on the other hand, by the genre-specific understanding of users and use of websites. Identical analytical procedure is applied in all three cases. The analysis showed that the key difference between Blic online, YouTube and Wikipedia appears in the software processing the actions performed by users, as well as in the presentation of the results of processed data. Previous genres, in the form of genre fragments, have influenced the appearance of the analyzed web interfaces, but "genre heritage" is manifested differently in web design and it has different roles in the functioning of three interfaces. It was established that the operation of the software and visual design solutions of the analyzed web interfaces design construct "model" users and multiple positions from which users can interpret web-interface and act within i

    Društvene promene, Bolonjski proces i treća misija Univerziteta u Srbiji

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    The expectations that the society and its different segments have from the university are influenced by historical circumstances and social, economic, political and cultural environment as the widest context within which the university interacts with its surroundings. Having this in mind, this paper aims to identify and analyze the explicit and implicit needs articulated by different social actors towards Serbian universities. This is done with an understanding that these needs arise in the context of comprehensive and deep social (economic, cultural, political) transition. The ‘third mission’ of the university, which includes the university participation in economic development as well as in building the civil society and democratic values, is considered to be especially important in the transition period. However, this mission is least present in practice given the fact that Serbian universities are so overburdened by other new roles in scientific research and education that they do not manage to systematically and strategically formulate their tasks within this new mission.Očekivanja koje društvo i različiti segmenti društva imaju od univerziteta uslovljena su istorijskim okolnostima i društvenim, ekonomskim, političkim i kulturnim ambijentom kao najširim kontekstom unutar kog univerzitet stupa u interakcije sa okruženjem. Imajući ovo u vidu, u radu se uočavaju i analiziraju eksplicitne i implicitne potrebe koje različiti društveni akteri artikulišu prema univerzitetima u Srbiji, uz razumevanje da ove potrebe nastaju u okolnostima sveobuhvatne i duboke društvene (ekonomske, kulturne, političke) tranzicije. Konstatuje se da je 'treća misija' univerziteta, koja se ogleda u učešću univerziteta u ekonomskom razvoju i u izgradnji civilnog društva i demokratskih vrednosti, posebno važna u tranzicionom periodu. Međutim, ona je najmanje zastupljena pošto su univerziteti previše opterećeni drugim novim zadacima u nauci i nastavi da bi sistematično i strateški formulisali svoju ulogu u okviru ove nove misije

    Produsage as experience and interpretation

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    This article examines the changes in audience discourses that emerge at the intersection between the classical idea of the audience being active in interpretation of media texts, and new forms of audience engagement in text production and distribution. Focusing on produsage, a term that is frequently used to describe audiences’ participation in online ecology, we argue for produsage to be conceptualized with regard to two aspects that are important for audience research: firstly, produsage as a form of relating to texts, and secondly, produsage as an experience in co-creation of texts. This overview of theoretical positions and empirical research is used to identify (in)stabilities in the conceptualization of audiences, thus arguing for greater recognition of produsage as a form of users’ experience and an interpretative act, rather than an alternative model of production, which will allow audience research to better account for nuanced and varied degrees of produsage

    Uslovi rada i status mladih istraživača na univerzitetima, institutima i u nevladinom sektoru

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    Svrha studije je dubinsko sagledavanje problema i izazova sa kojima se suočavaju mladi istraživači na fakultetima, naučno-istraživačkim institutima i u organizacijama civilnog društva. Studija je nastala na osnovu fokus-grupnog intervjua sa 20 mladih istraživača i na osnovu diskusije tokom okruglog stola o položaju mladih istraživača u društvenim naukama. Pored metode fokus grupe korišćena je i analiza relevantne sekundarne literature, kao i strateškog i zakonskog okvira. Ključni nalazi dobijeni istraživanjem su da mladi istraživači u društvenim naukama pokušavaju da kombinuju rad u sektoru visokog obrazovanja i naučnog istraživanja i rad u neprofitnom sektoru, te da nedostatke u jednom sektoru pokušavaju da nadomeste radom u drugom. Mladi istraživači na fakultetima i institutima navode nedovoljnu finansijsku podršku za empirijska istraživanja i male plate kao osnovni razlog za dodatni rad u organizacijama civilnog društva (OCD). Uslovi rada u neprofitnom sektoru se smatraju boljim zbog efikasnije administrativne podrške i fleksibilnijih procedura u pisanju projektnih predloga i sprovođenju projekata. Pored toga, rad u organizacijama civilnog društva vidi se i kao prilika za sticanje znanja iz oblasti upravljanja projektima. Nemogućnost da se fokusiraju na doktorski rad i nedostatak finansijskih sredstava za terenska istraživanja predstavljaju najveću prepreku u radu mladih istraživača na fakultetima i institutima. Mladi, zaposleni na institutima i fakultetima, obično su angažovani u nastavi, zatim u sprovođenju projekata koje finansira ministarstvo, kao i na projektima međunarodnih donatora i imaju obaveze rada na svojim doktorskim tezama kako bi mogli da zadrže stečena zvanja i napreduju u profesiji. Sa druge strane, istraživači u OCD koje su projektno finansirane istovremeno rade na nekoliko često vrlo tematski različitih projekata kako bi iz projektnih fondova pokrili svoje plate. Stoga obe grupe mladih istraživača sebe percipiraju kao „rastrzane na 1000 strana“ što se na kraju odražava na kvalitet naučne produkcije.The aim of this study is to provide in-depth analysis of problems and challenges that young researcher are facing during their work at the universities, research institutes and civil society organizations. Study is developed on the basis of focus group interview held with 20 young researchers and on the basis of round table discussion about the position of young researchers in the social science research sector. Beside the focus group method, analysis of relevant secondary literature and legal and strategic framework was used. Key findings are that young researchers in the social sciences are trying to combine activities in the sector of higher education and scientific research and work in non-profit sector. In this way they are trying to overcome weaknesses of one specific sector by using advantages of other sectors. Young researchers from faculties and institutes claim that insufficient financial support for empirical research and low salaries are primary reasons for their additional activities in the civil society organizations. Conditions for work in this sector are perceived as better due to more funds for field work and more efficient administrative support in project implementation. In addition, work in the CSOs is also a chance for acquiring skills in project management. Consequently, inability to focus on their PhD thesis and lack of financial means for field work are the biggest obstacles for young researcher engaged with the faculties and institutes. Researchers employed in these organizations are usually engaged in teaching, in implementation of the projects financed by the Ministry, in the projects supported by international donors and they have commitments regarding their PhD thesis in order to keep their academic positions. On the other hand, researchers from CSOs which are funded by the project are working simultaneously on several thematically different projects in order to cover their salaries from the project funds. That's why both groups of researchers defined themselves as "overloaded". As a final consequence this leads to low quality of scientific production

    Mehanizmi podrške i uslovi za rad mladih istraživača u društvenim naukama

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    Predmet ove studije su položaj i uslovi za rad mladih istraživača u društvenim i humanističkim naukama u Srbiji i, konkretno, mehanizmi podrške koje imaju na raspolaganju. Ključna pitanja na koje studija pruža odgovore su: 1) koje su osnovne socio-ekonomske karakteristike mladih istraživača (porodično stanje, primanja, stambena situacija); 2) koje mere podrške su dostupne mladim istraživačima, u kojoj meri se koriste i šta o njima misle doktorandi; 3) kako mladi istraživači procenjuju uslove u kojima rade. Studija se temelji jednim delom na analizi dokumenata i izveštaja relevantnih domaćih institucija i organizacija. S obzirom na to da se mere unapređenja položaja mladih istraživača sprovode u kontekstu pridruživanja Srbije Evropskom visokoobrazovnom prostoru i Evropskom istraživačkom prostoru, analizi domaćih mera prethodni kratki pregled evropskih iskustava. Drugi, značajniji, deo rezultata potiče iz anketnog istraživanja u kojem je učestvovalo 356 doktoranada iz oblasti društvenih i humanističkih nauka. Među doktorandima mogu da se uoče četiri osnovne grupe u odnosu na status koji imaju u naučno-obrazovnom sistemu: asistenti, istraživači saradnici, stipendisti i doktorandi bez naučnih zvanja. Rezultati istraživanja pokazuju da više od polovine doktoranada nema naučna zvanja i ne učestvuje u naučnim projektima koje realizuju njihove matične institucije. U celini posmatrano mladi istraživači nezadovoljni su svojim materijalnim položajem, uslovima za rad, kao i podrškom institucija i Ministarstva prosvete, nauke i tehnološkog razvoja. Preko polovine doktoranada nema adekvatno rešeno stambeno pitanje (žive kod roditelja ili u iznajmljenim stanovima) i ovo je jedan od najznačajnijih problema mladih istraživača. Školarine za doktorske studije izuzetno su visoke, a tek manji broj doktoranada ima status budžetskih studenata. Nedostatak sredstava za naučne skupove i studijske boravke u inostranstvu, nedostupnost literature i nedovoljna materijalna sredstva za istraživanja predstavljaju najveće probleme za naučni razvoj mladih istraživača.The subject of this study is status and working conditions of the young researchers in humanities and social sciences in Serbia, and in particular support mechanisms that are available to them. The key questions that the study answers are: 1) what are basic socioeconomic characteristics of young researchers (family status, income, housing situation); 2) what types of support are available to young researchers, to what extent are they used and what doctoral students think of them; 3) how young researchers assess the conditions in which they work. The study was based partly on an analysis of documents and reports of relevant local institutions and organizations. Considering that measures to improve the position of young researchers are conducted in the context of Serbian integration into the European Higher Education Area and European Research Area, the analysis of domestic measures is preceded by a brief overview of European experiences. The second, more important, part of the results originates from research survey, which included 356 doctoral students in the field of social sciences and humanities. Among doctoral students four basic groups according to the status they have in the scientific-educational system can be identifies: teaching assistants, research assistants, stipend holders and doctoral students without scientific titles. The survey results show that more than half of doctoral students do not have scientific positions and do not participate in the research projects implemented by their home institution. On the whole, the young researchers are dissatisfied with their material position, working conditions, as well as with support provided by their institutions and the Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development. More than half of doctoral students do not have housing problem adequately solved (they live with parents or in rented apartments) and this is one of the most important problems of young researchers. Scholarships for doctoral studies are extremely high, and only a small number of doctoral students have the status of funded students. Lack of funds for scientific conferences and study trips abroad, the unavailability of literature and lack of funds for research are the biggest problems for the scientific development of young researchers

    Vizuelno uokvirivanje protesta Protiv diktature

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    This paper builds on the framing theory and its paradigm related to media coverage of protests. Protests are considered as multidimensional phenomena with important visual manifestations both at the time they take place and in later treatment in the media. The aim of this research was to contribute to understanding of visual framing of protests in Serbian media. For that purpose, we analyzed "Against the Dictatorship" protest held after presidential elections in 2017. Our analysis was focused on TV news aired on RTS1, B92, Pink and N1, photographs published in print outlets Kurir, Informer, Vecernje novosti, Politika and Danas, and photos from Web sites blic.rs and telegraf.rs. The method of content analysis was used to examine the representation of visual frames of violence, performance, legitimization and delegitimization, and social semiotics to analyze the content of frames. Results of our study show that the mediascape in Serbia is divided between outlets which positively represent protests and others which frequently use negative frames of violence and delegitimization. More than other frames, visual performance is linked with newsrooms' work routines and focuses on the visual attractiveness of the event, while legitimization and delegitimization frames reflect political bias and editorial policies of certain media outlets.U radu se polazi od teorije uokvirivanja i unutar nje formulisane paradigme o medijskom izveštavanju o protestima. Protesti se posmatraju kao višedimenzionalni fenomeni u kojima je vizuelni izraz važan kako tokom protesta, tako i u njegovoj kasnijoj masmedijskoj obradi. Cilj ovog rada je da doprinese razumevanju vizuelnog medijskog uokvirivanja protesta, na osnovu studije slučaja protesta Protiv diktature koji je organizovan u Srbiji posle predsedničkih izbora 2017. godine. Analizom je obuhvaćeno izveštavanje televizija RTS 1, B92, Pink i N1, štampanih izdanja Kurira, Informera, Večernjih novosti, Politike i Danasa, i sajtova Blic.rs, Telegraf.rs. Metodom analize sadržaja ispitana je zastupljenost vizuelnih okvira nasilja, performativnosti, legitimisanja i delegitimisanja, a iz ugla socijalne semiotike kvalitativno je analiziran sadržaj ovih okvira. Rezultati pokazuju da je medijska scena podeljena između medija koji proteste prikazuju pozitivno i onih koji frekventno koriste negativne okvire nasilja i delegitimisanja. Za vizuelni performativni okvir može se reći da više od ostalih odslikava rutinu rada redakcija i stavlja u fokus vizuelnu atraktivnost događaja, dok se okvir legitimisanja i delegitimisanja pre mogu pripisati političkoj pristrasnosti i uređivačkoj politici određenih medija

    Uslovi rada i status mladih istraživača na univerzitetima, institutima i u nevladinom sektoru

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    Svrha studije je dubinsko sagledavanje problema i izazova sa kojima se suočavaju mladi istraživači na fakultetima, naučno-istraživačkim institutima i u organizacijama civilnog društva. Studija je nastala na osnovu fokus-grupnog intervjua sa 20 mladih istraživača i na osnovu diskusije tokom okruglog stola o položaju mladih istraživača u društvenim naukama. Pored metode fokus grupe korišćena je i analiza relevantne sekundarne literature, kao i strateškog i zakonskog okvira. Ključni nalazi dobijeni istraživanjem su da mladi istraživači u društvenim naukama pokušavaju da kombinuju rad u sektoru visokog obrazovanja i naučnog istraživanja i rad u neprofitnom sektoru, te da nedostatke u jednom sektoru pokušavaju da nadomeste radom u drugom. Mladi istraživači na fakultetima i institutima navode nedovoljnu finansijsku podršku za empirijska istraživanja i male plate kao osnovni razlog za dodatni rad u organizacijama civilnog društva (OCD). Uslovi rada u neprofitnom sektoru se smatraju boljim zbog efikasnije administrativne podrške i fleksibilnijih procedura u pisanju projektnih predloga i sprovođenju projekata. Pored toga, rad u organizacijama civilnog društva vidi se i kao prilika za sticanje znanja iz oblasti upravljanja projektima. Nemogućnost da se fokusiraju na doktorski rad i nedostatak finansijskih sredstava za terenska istraživanja predstavljaju najveću prepreku u radu mladih istraživača na fakultetima i institutima. Mladi, zaposleni na institutima i fakultetima, obično su angažovani u nastavi, zatim u sprovođenju projekata koje finansira ministarstvo, kao i na projektima međunarodnih donatora i imaju obaveze rada na svojim doktorskim tezama kako bi mogli da zadrže stečena zvanja i napreduju u profesiji. Sa druge strane, istraživači u OCD koje su projektno finansirane istovremeno rade na nekoliko često vrlo tematski različitih projekata kako bi iz projektnih fondova pokrili svoje plate. Stoga obe grupe mladih istraživača sebe percipiraju kao „rastrzane na 1000 strana“ što se na kraju odražava na kvalitet naučne produkcije.The aim of this study is to provide in-depth analysis of problems and challenges that young researcher are facing during their work at the universities, research institutes and civil society organizations. Study is developed on the basis of focus group interview held with 20 young researchers and on the basis of round table discussion about the position of young researchers in the social science research sector. Beside the focus group method, analysis of relevant secondary literature and legal and strategic framework was used. Key findings are that young researchers in the social sciences are trying to combine activities in the sector of higher education and scientific research and work in non-profit sector. In this way they are trying to overcome weaknesses of one specific sector by using advantages of other sectors. Young researchers from faculties and institutes claim that insufficient financial support for empirical research and low salaries are primary reasons for their additional activities in the civil society organizations. Conditions for work in this sector are perceived as better due to more funds for field work and more efficient administrative support in project implementation. In addition, work in the CSOs is also a chance for acquiring skills in project management. Consequently, inability to focus on their PhD thesis and lack of financial means for field work are the biggest obstacles for young researcher engaged with the faculties and institutes. Researchers employed in these organizations are usually engaged in teaching, in implementation of the projects financed by the Ministry, in the projects supported by international donors and they have commitments regarding their PhD thesis in order to keep their academic positions. On the other hand, researchers from CSOs which are funded by the project are working simultaneously on several thematically different projects in order to cover their salaries from the project funds. That's why both groups of researchers defined themselves as "overloaded". As a final consequence this leads to low quality of scientific production

    Economic performances of agriculture of CEFTA and former CEFTA countries

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    All CEFTA countries had very similar stages of economic development after World War II. Many of them were centrally-planned socialist economies and the political changes that have occurred in these countries in the late 20th century caused changes in the whole economic system, as well as in the agricultural sector. Aim of this paper is to compare economic performances of agriculture of these countries with former CEFTA countries (Poland, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary, Slovenia, Bulgaria, Romania and Croatia) which joined EU after 2004. The development performances of agriculture are considered according to the production and export performances of this economic sector, using a comparative approach. The results showed that there is a gap in development of agriculture between CEFTA countries and selected EU countries, so performances of agricultural sector are far from EU